Freed - New Leaf (Drum Play-through)

“Feels great to be back! Here's a play-through of my last release, 'New Leaf'. Out on Overclockin Records.”

Freed - PVC (Drum Play-through)

“I'm happy to share my play-through of my latest single: The Walls Drip / PVC.”

Freed - The Walls Drip (Drum Play-through)

“I'm happy to share my play-through of my latest single: The Walls Drip / PVC.”

Etherwood - Amongst The Crowd (Drum Remix)

“Ok THIS one is the hardest track I've ever prepared for. Even though I was absolutely losing it while practising this for the past 6 months, I'm so happy to finally put this cover out of a lovely tune by Etherwood. Check out his album on Med School.”

Noisia - The Hole Pt. 1 (Drum Remix)

“This track messed me up, definitely the most difficult tune I've covered so far. But still it was a pleasure to play to a track by the legendary trio, Noisia. 'The Hole Pt. 1', out on Vision Recordings.”

Ivy Lab - Teacup (Drum Improvisation)

“Breaking the silence with a fresh improvisation of Ivy Lab's 'Teacup'. Check out the EP as well as their brand new release, 'Blonde'. Out now on 20/20 LDN Recordings.”

Waeys - Acidic Love (Drum Remix)

“After two months of planning, I'm proud to present my drum cover of 'Acidic Love' by Waeys. Check out his release on Delta9 Recordings, links below.”

Euph - Avoidance (Drum Remix)

“This one hurt my leg :) Was blessed to play this track by the one and only Euph, check out the two track release (on Music Squad).”

Wingz - Hurt (Drum Remix)

“Went down the rabbit hole on this one, here we have a track by Wingz from his Sorrow EP (on Overview Music).”

Ordure - The Cry (Drum Remix)

“Had to play this one - give the guys over at Ordure some love! You can find the compilation EP on Flexout Audio in the links below.”

Skylark - Dead Center (Drum Remix)

“Going for a dark and minimal vibe with a track from Skylark.”

Ewol - Blue Circle (Drum Remix)

“A nasty track from Ewol, was a pleasure to play drums on this one.”

Grey Code - King’s Rock (Drum Remix)

“Starting off the channel with a track from the Reprieve EP by Grey Code! Give it some love, social media links are down below.”